
Kitsune requires a PostgreSQL installation that it can connect to since we make usage of Postgres-specific features, such as their full-text search.

You can find instructions on creating a database (along with password-protected user) here.

We supported SQLite in the past (before v0.0.1-pre.1), but the support has been dropped due to a high maintenance burden and rather little expected usage.

Database URL structure

postgres://[Username]:[Password]@[DBMS host]:[Port]/[Database name]

Example URL


Maximum connections

The max-connections setting defines how many connections the globally shared connection pool will open to the database server at maximum.
What you should set this value to depends on many factors.

TLS support

If you want to connect to a database using TLS, set the parameter use-tls to true.
This setting is equivalent to ssl_mode=full-verify if you are looking for a PostgreSQL equivalent.


url = "postgres://kitsune:verysecure@localhost/kitsune_prod"
max-connections = 25
use-tls = true